Color with Michael Kors – #NYFW

Michael Kors unleashed his autumn 2013 line this morning. I loved the different looks of this collection ; every style was so original. The runway was filled with tropical oranges and cobalt blues(my favorite!) and MK added black to almost all of his looks in some way or the other which made the colors stand out even more. Jackets, neon zip-suits, tracksuit trousers definitely underlined the athletic theme throughout the collection ; a theme I was not expecting at all. Michael explained to reporters backstage, “You’ve got to be an athlete to deal with life in the city today. I love the idea that you can have this urban polish but still be athletic.”

I can just picture the fashionists now skiing down the Aspen slopes in their camouflage-patterned fur coat, I’m sure that will go over well! Furs absolutely ruled along with tweed pencil skirts and orange and cobalt shirts.

Karlie Kloss closed the show in a jewel-encrusted mini with a trailing black train ; this was by far my favorite look of the show. Michael does it again.

Michael Kors

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